Meet Scotty! Scotty was born June 1st, 2020, and was the first baby born at Thelodar. His color is black. His parents are the late Liam and Piper. He was originally meant to live with Liam but Liam rejected him and despite my repeated attempts to bond him to two other males he has been unable to accept a tank mate. It may be related to his origins, as he was raised without his father and was a singleton pup, but there is no way to know for sure. Scotty is a shy boy, though he's never shown any aggression towards people. He's a super chonk (we're working on it) and loves food, all food. Due to his shy nature and difficulty making friends he will not be bred but remains a much loved pet!
Meet Olivia! Olivia was born in May 2021 and is the foundation female of Thelodar. Her color is pied burmese. She has been an excellent mother, nurturing and protective with no aggression. She is a confident gerbil who enjoys trying new things. She enjoys some treats but isn't a huge eater. She has retired from breeding and currently lives with her daughter Poppy.
Meet Maizie! Maizie is one of two females from Olivia's first litter, born December 17th, 2021. Her color is pied burmese. She has been a very curious pup all along and loves to explore. She loves play pen time, she crawls all over me like a jungle gym. Maizie is not big on treats, she's much more interested in playing and exploring. She has been an excellent and patient mom, raising two beautiful litters. She currently lives with her daughter Sylvie.
Meet Jules! Jules is one of two females from Olivia's first litter, born December 17th, 2021. Her color is pied burmese. She's a very sweet, curious gerbil who loves trying new things. She is a very athletic gerbil who runs on the wheel so fast she ends up doing a backflip when she tries to stop. She is one of my most active gerbils and loves to free roam. If the lid isn't on her tank she will jump right out to explore. Jules has been a great mom, raising three beautiful litters. She currently lives with her two daughters.
Meet Poppy! Poppy is one of two females born in Olivia's second litter on January 24th, 2022. Her color is pied black. Poppy has always been a very outgoing pup, probably the most confident one in the litter. She's very gerbil social and loves her mom and sisters. Just like her sisters, she loves play pen time and climbing all over me like I'm a jungle gym. She is a real foodie and especially enjoys almonds and other nuts. She will be living out her days as a tank mate for her mom Olivia.
Meet Bunsen and Petri! Bunsen and Petri were the two males from Olivia's second litter on January 24th, 2022. Bunsen's color is burmese and Petri's is pied black. The boys live together along with their dad Edgar. They are both very into food and treats (and are developing physiques that show it!) but also enjoy being active. Neither is a big chewer. Bunsen is on the shy side, but the confident, outgoing nature of Petri and Edgar help encourage him out of his shell.
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